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Doing Business

Westchester County Bureau of Purchase and Supplies

The Bureau of Purchase and Supplies is responsible for the purchase of materials, equipment and supplies for all Westchester County departments. We are also responsible for the sale of surplus equipment.

In all matters, we strive to obtain the best overall value for taxpayers.

We also assist local governments, school districts and fire districts, which may use our purchase contracts for their own needs.

Whether you're a vendor, a county department or local government, we hope you find this information helpful. We encourage you to contact us with your questions, comments and suggestions.

Our office is located at Westchester County, Bureau of Purchase, 148 Martine Ave., Room 713, White Plains, NY 10601.

Doing Business with Westchester County

The Bureau of Purchase and Supplies is responsible for the purchase of materials, equipment and supplies for all Westchester County departments. We also assist local governments, school districts and fire districts that may use our purchase contracts for their own needs. 

We strive to obtain the best overall value for taxpayers. To that end, county government launched the Shared Services Initiative in 2009. The goal is to share services and create cooperative contracts. Already, local governments, school districts and fire districts can benefit from our purchasing power, because they are allowed access to our purchasing contracts.

As we create new opportunities for savings, we plan on sharing them with you. 

Whether you're a vendor, county department or local Westchester government, we hope you find this information helpful. We encourage you to contact us with your questions, comments and suggestions. 


Award Information

Requests for Bid (RFB) are opened during a public bid opening which is held at the Bureau of Purchase and Supplies office on the date and time indicated on each bid document. At this time, bids are opened and upon request, read aloud.

Resulting award information may be obtained by contacting the appropriate buyer and requesting a bid tabulation.  You may also make this request more formally under the Freedom of Information Law by sending your request, including the bid number and due date, to our office at the following address:

The County of Westchester, Bureau of Purchase and Supplies
148 Martine Avenue, Room 713
White Plains, NY 10601

Requests for Quotation (RFQ) are posted on the Empire State Purchasing Group's web site or by contacting the appropriate buyer.