General Procurement Policy
Westchester County’s procurement process is decentralized. The Bureau of Purchase and Supplies is authorized to execute contracts for the purchase, sale and/or rental of supplies, materials and equipment.
Contracts for public works and services are not handled by the Bureau of Purchase and Supplies; they are handled directly by the individual county department requiring such contracts or services. The county publishes these requests for proposals online.
The Bureau of Purchase and Supplies ensures that all purchase or service contracts for the various county departments are executed in accordance with all laws. Purchases are made competitively, with awards going to the lowest responsible bidders who meet the required specifications. We support socioeconomic entities, such as minority business enterprises (MBE’s), women business enterprises (WBE’s) and preferred sources (blind, disabled, handicapped and others), while satisfying requirements for consistency, fairness, transparency and maintaining a focus on maximizing competition.
We encourage all businesses to explore how they may do business with the county. If you're a minority-owned or women-owned business, learn how your business may pre-qualify.